Network devices including switches and routers use a variety of protocols and algorithms to exchange information and to transport data to its intended endpoint. Every endpoint (sometimes called a host) in a network has a unique identifier, often an IP address or a media access control address, that is used to indicate the source or destination of the transmission. Endpoints can include servers, personal computers, phones and many types of network hardware.COMMUNICATION DEVICE
A communication device is a hardware device capable of transmitting an analog or digital signal over the telephone, other communication wire or wirelessly
The transmission of data from one computer to another, or from one device to another. A communications device, therefore, is any machine that assists data transmission. For example, modems, cables, and ports are all communicationsdevices.
Type of Computer Communication
Modem - A modem is an external or internal device thats function is to transmit digital dataover communication lines.Traditional modems once used frequently with dial-up networks convert analog data from telephone lines into computer digital data.
Wireless Access Point - A central communications devices that allows computers and devices to transfer data wirelessly among themselves or to transfer data wirelessly to a wired network
Router - Connects multiple computers or other routers together and transmits data to its correct destination on a network
Hub - Provides a central point for cables in a network, receives data from many directions and then fowards it to one or more destinations.
materials that capable of carrying one or more signal from one system to another
Physical transmission Media
use wire, cable, and other tangible to send communication signals
Wireless Transmission Media